So the DS is finally here and we’re as excited as anyone in their right mind should be.
In preparation for it, we’ve compiled a series of opinions, personal notes and everything we can write about it, just because we need to take our mind off the system at least for a bit, right?
But beware. This is a new way of gaming.
Nintendo DS: Launch Center
*Click on each picture for the respective article*
“REVIEW: Nintendo’s ambitious handheld is everything we wanted and more.”
“REVIEW: Easily the hottest launch title. Nintendo kicks off DS with Mario… how sweet it is.”
“REVIEW: We join the Rub Rabbits, but are we feeling the magic? Touch! the pic to find out.”
“REVIEW: We take Peter Parker’s newest adventure for a spin. What sort of web does it weave?”
“REVIEW: EA’s powerhouse rocks the dual-screen world. But is it a Touch!down?”
“REVIEW: Start up your engines. Gameloft’s portable racer is here.”
“REVIEW: EA delivers another launch title with the Sims. Worth your money?”
“The DS Launch party was a blast and we were there to witness it.”
“It’s important, and you should definitely not ignore it. Here’s why.”
“We take the DS for a spin and here’s what we think…”
“We measure Nintendo’s portable wonder and it’s quite a surprise.”
— Hope you enjoy! —ok