Interview Reveals Nanostray Details

In a recent interview with, a German DS news site, Manfred Linzer gave many details that were previously unknown about the upcoming shooter, Nanostray. Unfortunately the entire interview was conducted in German, but we have pulled some of the main points out and translated them here:

  • According to Shin’en, the graphics in Nanostray will be on par with Ikaruga
  • Nanostray will support multiplayer single cartridge play
  • The touch screen will be part of the gameplay
  • All the graphics are real-time and not pre-rendered as previously thought
  • The textures used will be superior to anything seen on the DS to date
  • Developing for the DS is easier than the GBA
  • Shinen is planning to support the DS beyond Nanostray

Remember that all of this information is according to Manfred Linzer, a developer at Shin’en, but judging from the screenshots available for the game, it might not be an exaggeration at all.

For the original interview, click here. bhy