Judging this year’s Steam Summer Getaway Sale

Sadly, the Steam Summer Getaway Sale is almost over. In just a few short days we'll be back to paying full price for blockbuster games and the countdown to the Holiday sale will begin.

While we've still got a few more days of deals, we're bringing you our impressions of this year's Steam Summer Getaway Sale and how it stacked (or stacking, rather, as we still hold out for a few last minute deals) up to prior year's sales.

Lance Liebl Follow on Twitter

Lance Liebl

It's the Steam Summer Sale. While I look forward to this time of the year every year, this year has been a little bit more lackluster for me. Don't get me wrong, I've still spent a fair share of money and bought some good games for great prices – Deus Ex for $2.99? Um… OKAY! – but I've hit a slump in purchases.

I feel like last year yielded not better results, but more results. My bank account took a harder hit last year. That would be the case this year, as well, but I won't pay $30 for Metro: Last Light when I can wait a few more months and get it for $15. I have enough games in my yet-to-be-played library to hold me over. And Dark Souls got gifted to me… so f*ck me.

Overall, this Steam Summer Sale has been decent, and the new badges and card trading has all my friends in a frenzy, even though they cheat the system. But this Steam Summer Sale could've been the best one yet if Rogue Legacy would just go on sale!

Verdict: Would be the best if Rogue Legacy was 50% off.

Matt Liebl Follow on Twitter

matt liebl pictureAdmittedly, I have never really used Steam. I'm primarily a console gamer when it comes to multiplatform games, save for the few reviews where I've been forced to use Steam. It's not that I don't enjoy PC gaming (I play League of Legends like a mofo!), I just don't have an optimal setup to make it work just yet. Suffice to say, I have never really cared about any past sales on Steam. Sure, the sales are nice, but they've never captured my attention.

But here's the thing, this year's Summer Sale turned me into a Steam user.

Why? Because of the freaking trading cards. I don't even know why I'm so fascinated with them — the whole obsession is stupid if you really think about it. Then again, it's also a purely genius move on Valve's part. They have managed to gamify gaming, which is probably why I find myself so enthralled with it. I purchased games solely for the fact that they had cards associated with them (and even skipped out on some because they didn't). Someone needs to do some sort of study on this.

But you know what the trading cards did? They effectively helped me increase my library of games that I will now use Steam to play. Valve has successfully converted me. The cards were just the gateway for me, and now I love Steam. Well done Valve, well done.

Verdict: Those cards….

Mike Splechta Follow on Twitter

Mike Splechta

As someone who has taken part of the Steam Summer sale since 2011, I can honestly say that they have been exciting each and every time. The initial Steam sales never had community votes or flash sales, it was just 24 hours of cheap games, and then you'd move on to the next batch. Now you have all those added perks that make coming back every eight hours just to see if your voted game made the cut, and to see what other cheap titles are being sold as Flash Deals.

I managed to spend close to a $100, which my wife certainly doesn't approve of (sorry!). You just can't pass up a good deal when you see one.

I also have to give mention to the new card system. While it launched a little prior to the Steam Sale, I honestly didn't care much about it until then. Not only are a ton more games supported with cards, but there is also unique card set dedicated only to the Steam Sale. Once it's done, you won't be able to collect those cards again, unless you buy extras from people that own them. It's a genius move by Valve, incorporating yet another new mechanic into their Steam Sale that not only makes people coming back on a regular basis, but now has more user interaction than ever. Suffice it to say, our office has certainly become a major trade zone for Steam Cards.

Valve certainly didn't disappoint (though some days there were truly bad deals). With the addition of Steam Cards, one can only wonder what trick Valve will come up with next, to make our Sale experience even more addicting.

Verdict: Once again, Valve delivers.

Andrew Clouther Follow on Twitter

Andrew Clouther

Strong start. When the Steam Summer Sale I was giddy with excitement. I searched the entirety of the good thing for the secret deals not shown on the front page – I was relentless about it. So much, that by the end of the first day my bank thought my debit card was stolen from how many little purchases I made and how many people I bought Dark Souls for. I went hard, went strong, than faded off. My over enthusiasm has made the second half of the sale not as impressive to me. I don’t know if this is the sale’s fault or my own.

The sales have over all been solid and the community is alive with the new trading card system. Friends I haven’t spoken to in months are messaging me, “Yo, let me get that Tomb Raider card bro.” As someone who’s never been a trading card collector, I see the allure now in collecting. Gamers love achievements and showing off – this system SCREAMS to this fault in us all. Those who can resist the allure and just sell all your cards instantly on the marketplace, I truly envy you. Sadly, I’m not one of you. Now let’s talk Torchlight II trades…

Verdict: Strong start, but seems to have tapered off.

What have you thought of this year's Steam Summer Getaway Sale? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter: @GameZoneOnline.