Kotaku Gets Preview Copy of Ghostbusters; Everyone Else Gets Jealous

I wonder if Kotaku is hiring?

I’m just kidding, though I will admit to being very, very jealous of one Brian Crecente right now, as following the panic which has surrounded the title this week, none other than Activision Blizzard themselves delivered a preview copy to him.

That’s right, a preview copy of Ghostbusters The Video Game. The letter, written by the Evil PR Ninja Monkey (that’s actually his title) at Activision Blizzard says that the hands-on preview code is not embargoed and that I can write about it as soon as I’d like to.

According to the included fact sheet the game has a Fall 2008 release date, but of course since the sheet isn’t dated I have no way of knowing how accurate it is.

Sounds like someone is trying to reassure the gaming public. Now about that Brutal Legend code? — Brian Crecente, Kotaku

So very jealous… and I’m not even a huge Ghostbusters fanatic or anything, though I do hold a strong appreciation for the franchise. Nor did he say which version this is (probably 360 or PS3). But I’ll be keeping an eye on this one.