His name is Garcia Hotspur, hunter of demons, and he’s totally going to start the bloodbath, according to him, at least, along with Suda 51 and Shinji Mikami, the men behind No More Heroes and Resident Evil 4, respectively. Shadows of the Damned, their joint “psychological action thriller,” was rumored to be revealed at the ongoing Tokyo Game Show, and they delivered at EA’s press conference today.
Hotspur the demon hunter must descend into Hell after his true love is kidnapped by, you guessed it, demons. Plot-wise, it’s basically Dante’s Inferno with Suda 51’s signature “punk rock edge,” as Mikami puts it.
“You can see Suda’s trademark flair and style everywhere in this game,” the Resident Evil 4 director said at the game’s unveiling. Indeed, Hotspur’s got elements of both West Side Story, with all that studded leather, and a sort of grizzled cowboy vibe, evoked by both his lazy eye and name.
Likewise, Mikami’s influence on the “core gameplay mechanics” is clear. The third person shooter action should look familiar to fans of the past two Resident Evil games, though unlike in RE 4 and 5, Hotspur can actually move and shoot at the same time.
The trailer shows Hotspur being badass and laying waste to various kinds of demons. The graphics look great, the weapons look unique and varied, and the action looks intense. We’re looking forward to some next-gen RE 4 inspired gameplay as well as the opportunity to delve into another universe from the creative mind of Suda 51.
Naturally, Suda had great things to say about the project. “This game is really intense, however you also see some light moments as well,” he said. “It’s a very dark game. And it’s one of the greatest games I’ve ever worked on in my lifetime.”
No platforms or release dates have been revealed, though a 2011 release is a possibility, and the likely platforms are PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. Look forward to seeing more of this one.