As we learned two days ago via Nintendo Power magazine, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is on its way to the Wii. And as GoNintendo reports, those who have received their issue have since discovered that we may wind up getting something more for our patience.
According to the article, the U.S. title of the game will be “Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars,” and is due around the end of the year, possibly Winter. But why so long to just swap a few names out? Funny you should ask…
The name isn’t the only thing that may be changed on arrival, as there is talk of the addition of online play. And if that wasn’t enough, there could be some new characters added as well. I know some people are already thinking “Samurai Pizza Cats” and “Dante;” is there anyone else you want to see?
And if you’ll recall Capcom’s E3 lineup, you’ll remember there were two mystery titles to be shown there. As you might have guessed, this is the first, and Capcom says that this will be the one available for play at the show.
Yes, I am jealous.