While January was certainly on the slower side for the PlayStation 4, it wasn't without some great new additions. Saints Row fans were able to revisit the fourth game on the PS4, and the standalone expansion, Gat out of Hell also graced the console. Adventure fans got a dose of nostalgia with Grim Fandango Remastered, as well as a time traveling indie movie in game form with Life is Strange. And of course, if you wanted a bit more nostalgia, you could revisit the HD remake of the very first Resident Evil. Lastly, you could parkour through a zombie ravaged land in Dying Light. So what does February, the month of love, have in store?
Let's check it out.
There Came an Echo – February 1st
What do you get when you mix real-time strategy with voice controlled gameplay, and the star power of Wil Wheaton and Ashly Burch? You get the indie gem, There Came an Echo. Sure you can control the game using conventional methods, but you'll want to utilize a microphone to give your squad voice commands that they'll carry out on field.
Game of Thrones: Episode 2 – The Lost Lords – February 3rd
Telltale Games has once again outdone themselves with the first episode of their latest adventure game, Game of Thrones. The first episode set up the story, introduced a bunch of characters, had a few big character cameos, and left off on quite the cliffhanger. Episode 2, The Lost Lords will continue the story of House Forrester, so if you're fully invested in the story from the first episode, don't hesitate to pick up Episode 2 when it drops on February 3rd.
Evolve – February 10th
What's better than teaming up with four of your buddies to take down giant beasts? Having a fifth player be the giant beast. Evolve is a 4v1 game where four hunters team up and try to hunt down another player that's controlling one of many hulking and dangerous monsters. And with 2K looking over the results of the last beta, they'll make sure that the game is fine tuned to be balanced, so no side is ever more powerful than the other. Evolve drops February 10th.
Dead or Alive 5: Last Round – February 17th
What does a cast of lovely ladies, martial arts, and jiggle physics have in common? Dead or Alive of course. Dead or Alive 5: The Last Round, will be kicking and punching its way to PS4 next month. Last Round adds two new characters, and upgraded graphics to make use of the improved hardware. After its release on February 17th, the devs will also add an online component so you can take your bouts online.
The Order: 1886 – February 20th
Easily one of the more anticipated games of the month for PS4 owners, The Order: 1886 takes a purely cinematic approach to both gameplay and storytelling. Taking place during an alternate timeline, in a steampunk setting where werewolves are a clear and present danger, and flying zepoelins soar through the skies. The Order: 1886 comes out on February 20th.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse – February 24th
Dragon Ball Z is no stranger to the video game world. However, Xenoverse takes it a step further, where you'll be playing as your own created character, traveling through time with Trunks, ensuring that the Dragon Ball timeline is kept in order. By having the timeline be disrupted, this will create new, never before seen scenarios, that will add some variety to the tried and true storyline that DBZ fans are familiar with. Dragon Ball Xenoverse releases February 24th.
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires – February 24
It's you against the thousands, you scared? You shouldn't be. Mow armies down with characters from the Warring States Period or create your own. The Empires version is slightly more sim oriented. Here you can lead your created character through battle, marry, and even have children that will carry over stats to their children. If you're a fan of Dynasty Warriors games and wish they had a little bit more depth, Empires is certainly the game for you.
Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 1 – February 24th
This is Resident Evil's first foray into episodic adventures starts with the continuation of the Revelations storyline. The story will take place between RE5 and RE6, where Claire Redfield will once again be the main character, however, others like Barry Burton will be playable as well. The first episode will release on February 24th.