Epic boss Mark Rein has clarified a statement he made yesterday concerning a possible delay of Unreal Tournament 3 for the PlayStation 3.
“We do not know exactly when the game will be completedâ€, he said at the time. “All we’ve said is that we’re hoping for a November release but as you know we value getting it right over getting it right now so there’s no guarantee of that.â€
His new statement clarifies: “The PS3 console exclusivity is not in doubt. We are shipping the game on the PS3 well before the Xbox 360 version ships. That’s the version we are working on right now. We do not have a date for the Xbox 360 version.” He also said that “nothing has changed at this point. We’re working toward a November release.”
With fans left to wondering why he left such an ominous statement yesterday, Rein explained the point was not “to cast doubt on our plans but rather to debunk the countdown timer on a German fan site that listed a specific release date.â€
He continued, “We don’t know the specific release date yet and I think it is always prudent to remind our fans that we value quality over release date. They’ve come to expect that from UT and we don’t want them to think we’re handling UT3 any differently.”
While you’re waiting for Epic’s next wacko comment, check out the latest UT3 screens in our media section to the right.