Those worried that playing as Splinter Cell agent Sam Fisher just won’t feel like playing Sam Fisher without his famed equipment in Splinter Cell Conviction can now rest a little easier, as it seems that at least one signature item will be making its return.
Ubisoft had hinted previously at the possibility of Sam regaining some of his tools of the trade later on in the game, and at this past weekend’s Penny Arcade Expo, Ubisoft Creative Director Max Beland revealed one piece that should please some fans. During a live demo (the same one that was at E3, Joystiq reports), Beland showed a video in which Fisher using his night vision goggles, despite still being in civilian clothing.
When equipped, the goggles brought forth a black and white mode of vision which gave Sam the ability to detect enemies on the opposite side of walls, brightly glowing white. Unfortunately, however, there were no other details given.