Much ado has been made over the PlayStation 3 version of Bayonetta and its discrepancies with the Xbox 360 lead version, including load times– approximately 25 seconds to load a stage, 10 seconds for a cutscene, and five seconds for a menu, according to one post in their official forums.
Fortunately, that appears to be one area SEGA is willing to try making things right.
1UP reports that a SEGA representative responded to the post, stating that “I can, in fact, speak on [the developer’s] behalf in saying that a patch to correct this issue is under consideration through development to address the matter of the overwhelming load times with Bayonetta.”
“Something I cannot address directly is when this will occur however I will be tracking this directly on all sides (the Japanese, North American, and European versions) as to ensure that we know exactly the status of each one. Provided that I am given full disclosure on this, I will be sure to keep you posted on what to expect.”
Destructoid seems hopeful that with the load times fixed, perhaps SEGA will move on to other issues, such as frame rate and lower-quality textures. 1UP, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to be quite as optimistic.
The game itself is due to arrive on January 5th, so I guess we’ll see then.