Earlier today, Senator Charles Schumer called for the ban of Eidos’ upcoming 25 to Life videogame. The New York Democrat said the reason for the ban is because the objective of the game is to shoot police officers and use civilians as human shields.
“This is a sickening video game that offends all sensibilitiesâ€, Schumer said. He also requested retailers to avoid selling the game and asked Sony and Microsoft to terminate licensing agreements with Eidos.
Developed by Avalanche Software, 25 To Life places gamers in an urban setting where it is survival of the fittest in a battle amongst street gangsters and police task forces. By fighting up through the ranks (either as a cop or a gangster) you can use the game’s customizable character system to create your own street legend.
The player’s status and online rankings increase by completeing certain objectives and earning new gear. Depending on the side of the law you choose to play, access will be given to either the police weaponry or street weapons.