Sin & Punishment and The Lost Levels Arrive in North America

Sin & Punishment and Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels are now being sold on their own for the first time in North America.

North America might have missed out on the “Hanabi Festivial” but they are still getting these highly demanded titles for an extra few dollars of course.

NES Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels – 2 Players (600 pts)

The Lost Levels was first released in the Mario All-Star collection with updated graphics. For this release, players will get their hands on the NES original, a version of the game never before available in North America. Originally considered too hard for Americans, Super Mario Bros. 2 provides players with all new challenges including poison mushroom, backwards warps and wind gusts. Other features include differing skills between Mario and Luigi as well as hidden worlds to discover.

N64 Sin & Punishment – 2 Players (1200 pts)

This Nintendo 64 shooter has been on the wish lists of many North American gamers bringing many to import the game themselves. Importers were welcome to find English voice-overs which are still used in this version of the game. Sin & Punishment features various skill levels as well as a Turbo Hard mode for those who like a little challenge. Nintendo boasts nonstop action and mystery for players who take up their guns and blast through this one.