Some Days Are Just Good Days
Editorial By: Telka
The spurring to scribble the wanderings of my mind occurs often and naught, depending exclusively on my mood. When it comes to these editorials, I tend to choose times to write when an assured ambiance hits me. Today this came in the form of various media, encounters, and unknown cosmic forces. Ok, maybe not the later, but true indeed I was blessed with paraphernalia.
Coming home from an early work shift greeted me with something I did not expect in my mailbox: the first subscription issue of the Official Xbox Magazine.
Somewhere a loud squeal emerged from the depths of my being as I snagged the logo from my mailbox. It was unmistakable from the four other magazines I subscribe to, the demo disk peeking above the commercial fliers and bills consuming my power. I then dragged everything I could handle into the house and proceeded to sort them into designated piles.
Interestingly enough, a small promotional item also laid in my mail from Nintendo. Gamecube designed flat containing a small disk with previews. I only knew this immediately because I had picked up one at the Cube Club I attended the previous Saturday night. I chucked at the irony of timing. I also realized that on October 24, 2001 – I had received items from all three competing in the console war. Coincidentally, my Playstation representative had visited the store also with a demo and a PS2 game holder for me. Karma favored me today.
After this moment of amusement, my first thought was to tear the plastic apart and see what was on the demo. Twenty-one game movies and my now personal favorite (having watched the disk) features section dealing with the interviews with people who have been there all along. It’s one thing to read interviews online, it is another to see them. I was extremely pleased with the content of the disk on its own. Now I am just waiting to see the playable demos and other exclusive content to come.
The magazine itself really laid no surprise as with its content. Forward and humorous, it’s just as previewed with the retailer sneak peek issue and the unofficial first non-disk issue that was out not even a month ago. I could go into many other details as to what I thought about individual articles, but over all I’ll stay satisfied with saying everything is solid thus far and I can only imagine it to remain with the launch not too far behind and the games to follow suit.
Now I sit here in front of my computer typing this testimonial that good days do exist. Some might think this all to be trivial, but I am sure some of you out there know what I am talking about. Amongst all the negative occurrences right now, all I can say is; keep your head up and appreciate the small things. It’s all about being happy and however you can achieve it.
For me, it’s the love of a genre – and the new issue of OXM.