Take-Two: “2 Million More Wiis Sold? Now Our Best Content is Appropriate”

I’m having a difficult time understanding Take-Two. They seem just a bit wishy-washy over the prospect of whether or not mature games are suited to the Wii.

See if you can figure this out: It’s okay for titles such as Bully and Manhunt 2 to be on the Wii, but not Grand Theft Auto. If anything, I would think that GTA is a better fit than Manhunt. But then, given how generally unimpressed people have been with either Manhunt game, I suppose it’s easy to say that anything is a better fit than Manhunt.

And then they turn around and put Grand Theft Auto on the DS.

So the DS is a good fit, but the Wii isn’t? Did I miss something here?

According to a recent statement from Take-Two CEO Ben Feder, however, perhaps things are due to change.

While Take-Two CEO Ben Feder says that some of the company’s “best content really isn’t appropriate for the Wii” with some 3 million Carnival Games titles floating about, that “appropriateness” is up for debate. The 2K Sports brand, for example, is totally appropriate and Take-Two is “looking at the Wii as a potential platform.”

“Even the M-rated content that we think is much more appropriate for the PlayStation 3 or 360, we have to look at the Wii as a viable platform content across all our labels,” Feder said during today’s earnings call “because you can’t ignore the install base. You just can’t.” — Kotaku

As Kotaku goes on to point out, two million more Wiis sold last month is likely the impetus for his statement. If so, then I guess that solves the mystery: “Appropriateness” equals “install base.”

And here I thought they were just worried about the yuppies who own a Wii freaking out or something.