Here’s a story that’s been rolling around a little bit lately, and the general consensus seems to be the same: CTA Digital’s new peripheral for the Wii is just asking for trouble.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen this sort of thing; remember the dart? I think it’s safe to say this may be even worse. Perhaps far worse.
It has a wrist strap, so that’s a plus, but no telling how strong it is, or how heavy the ball itself is. The plugged in blog on Yahoo! Games notes that at one time, the site’s description read “Even though holding and bowling the ball is so like-like[sic] to the actual sport, never, ever release the ball!!”
That has since been changed, and now the website says “Lastly, make sure to wear the wrist strap securely around your wrist, lock the strap to tighten the hold, preventing the ball from accidently flying out of your hand, and you are ready to bowl virtual strikes like a Pro!” Strange that they would remove the warning that says not to let go of the ball.
Also of interest is that, according to Yahoo!, the site once also featured the following disclaimer, now removed: “CTA Digital, Inc. is not and will not be held responsible for any damages resulting from the bowling ball attachment.”
Personally, I think this is just asking for trouble. My own mother-in-law hasn’t quite gotten used to the Wii Remote yet (she only plays on the odd rare visit), and she occasionally scares the Miis behind her by releasing the button too soon.
She’s never let go of the Remote (thank God she knows well enough not to), but it leaves me wondering about how other people who are even less used to games might slip up with the bowling ball peripheral.
Just to satisfy my own curiosity, do any of you reading this have any attachments for the Wii Remote? I don’t mean like MotionPlus, Zapper, or Wii Wheels; I mean the swords, the cooking utensils, or the golf clubs? It’s an interesting market for peripherals, but one I can’t get into myself.
…well, maybe with the exception of the rumored Ghostbusters proton pack… or maybe that knockoff Master Sword and Hylian Shield set. But seriously, that’s all!