Some people have a ton of extra time on their hands and I love the fact that they spend it constructing amazing things like the specimen shown here.
It’s Hemp, it’s a Wii-Mote, and it actually works. I don’t know about you but I’m pretty sure that’s all you really need to ensure an exciting evening full of waggle and horizontally moving walls.
Hit the jump for all the details. I’ll try not to smoke it before we get there.
Made from 3 kinds of 100% natural hemp string on the outside, while remaining 100% functional on the inside.
In stark contrast with the original Wii-mote set, what was once sleek, cold, white and hard plastic has now become a slightly fuzzy, natural, warm and textured concoction. No more bland, branded and boring but mottled, flawfull, rough and a tad sweat absorbing.
The Hemp-Mote is absolutely playable, all buttons, accelerometers and the infrared camera accounted for. Unfortunately its exterior is also quite fragile and prone to degeneration, being in the raw state that it is. — DHRECK
I have to salute the gentleman that created this and if he ever wants to crash on my couch, I would gladly accept him into my home – as long as he brings the Wii-mote.