Thoughts on the new Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer

I am in full-blown hype mode

The new trailer that debuted last night during the NCAA Football National Championship game for Avengers: Age of Ultron was perfect. It was everything it needed to be — serious, action-packed, intense, jaw-dropping, and it gave us the impression that this movie will change everything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There will be repercussions from the events in Age of Ultron that will echo throughout upcoming movies like Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War.

The mood throughout the trailer was complimented by the slow, dramatic rendition of "There are no strings on me" we heard a little of in the first trailer. The best parts, obviously, were those involving Iron Man's Hulkbuster armor and the Hulk, where they smash, and shoot and throw things. That fight scene is going to be amazing. 

I'm also getting the impression that someone might die, and if not in Age of Ultron, then in an upcoming film. While Captain America does die in the Civil War arc in the comics, Chris Evans is signed on a for a couple more movies and would be more likely to exit in Civil War. My money is on Hawkeye. There's this weird relationship dynamic between Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanova. We even see moments of that in this trailer, the way her and the Hulk look at one another. I really don't know what they're doing with Hawkeye and how he fits into the landscape. He just feels like filler right now.

There wasn't too much of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, so I'm still curious how they fit into everything. It's obvious from certain short clips that they fight the Avengers, but my bet is on them all working together by the end. 

Overall, I was very impressed with this new trailer. It looks so freakin intense that I can't contain myself. May 1, 2015 can't come soon enough.