Two More Camera-based Games in the Works

Strange Flavour has announced that they are already working on two more titles to take advantage of the new 360 peripheral.

The developer’s first title, TotemBall, is currently available to download free over Xbox Live Arcade, with map packs and other content slated for release in the near future. The game plays similarly to the various Eye-toy games available on the PS2, wherein players use real-world gestures to control the action on-screen.

Currently the only other titles currently supporting the Vision Camera are UNO, which is provided free with the peripheral and Texas Hold ‘Em, which is expected to receive an auto-update within weeks.

Ubisoft’s Rainbow Six: Vegas will be the first major retail title to use the Vision Camera, as players will see each other via video-feeds in the HUD visor in multiplayer and co-op play.

Currently, Strange Flavor is the only developer officially making use of the camera for gesture-based gameplay.

AMN will have more information on Strange Flavor’s upcoming titles as information becomes available.