The upcoming game based off the popular Yu-Gi-Oh! series is currently slated to release in September. The game, Yu-Gi-Oh! NightMare Troubadour follows a long line of previous games based off the TV show. Some six million games have already sold based upon the series.
The game is set to include the wireless and touch screen features of the DS, by allowing players to duel opponents and navigate the map of the city. Once a duel is initiated, the touch screen becomes a 2D card playing field and the battle begins. The top screen becomes a 3D arena that shows monsters rising from their cards to battle for Yu-Gi-Oh! supremacy.
The wireless mode of the game also provides a new, and unique aspect to the game. Gamers can expect to be able to duel their friends wirelessly, and trade over a thousand Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. The game also features new “Friendship” and “Game Time” modes. The friendship feature is triggered by special in game events when you register your friend as a duel colleague.
The other new mode, Game time, alters the gameplay as the time of day changes. For instance, less challenging duelists will appear early in the day, while more difficult ones will appear at night. The time of day also affects special events in the game that have yet to be revealed.
Check back with DSA in the coming weeks and months for a full preview of this game, as well as continued coverage of all DS games.
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