Based on the popular cartoon series, Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction is being readied by D3 Publisher to win over teens this fall. Changing into super-evolved aliens, Ben, the protagonist of the series, is more powerful than he’s ever been in any video game.
Releasing in October 2010, Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction introduced quick-time events for the first time in the series. Players will have to select which alien form they want to transform into while they chase down baddies who are trying to escape their inevitable capture or defeat. Allowing three transformations on the fly, each form offers a different angle on the hunt such taking the chase to the air or bulldozing through walls.
Developed for every major platform, the story revolves around a natural disaster to the galaxy that isn’t necessarily conducted by a villain. No main villain has been revealed as of yet, but several familiar faces will show up throughout the course of the story along with their voice talent.
Platforming and eliminating enemy threats, Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction should entertain the young teen crowd as they travel through Paris, Rome, China and many other locations to save the galaxy once again.