Dance Masters E3 preview

Konami is no stranger to dancing games. The publisher made Dance Dance Revolution a household name, getting players jumping around on a plastic mat and dancing to a variety of songs. Now, the pub is taking the mat away from its latest music title, Dance Masters.

A dance game made for exclusively for Microsoft Kinect, Dance Masters is the next step (no pun intended) for Konami’s line-up of dancing games. The game was on display at this year’s E3 event, and had people waving their arms and stomping their feet to the rhythm. The game requires absolutely no controller whatsoever, so all actions and menu selections are done by making gestures for the Kinect device.

Dance Masters works on a graded difficulty scale. While the easiest level will only require that you hit specific poses at the right time (two green silhouette appear on the screen to get you ready for it), the standard level begins to require that you do specific moves, like punch in a certain direction, step in a certain place, or move your arms in a pattern. Even tougher difficulty levels will throw in things like 8th notes for the player to contend with. Just like DDR, you’re graded on your performance at the end of the song.

While the whole track roster wasn’t on offer at the show, the songs seemed to be pulled from the same setlist as DDR’s library, so fans of that game won’t miss a beat. Dance Masters should be a title that fans of dancing games might want to check out.