Taking the concept of Indiana Jones-esque adventure games, like Tomb Raider and Uncharted, Deadfall Adventures looks to expand upon this genre in a way that has surprisingly never been done. This unique spin is to make this game a first person shooter.
As expected, this title isn't only a shooter but also puzzle game. 30% of the game is actually puzzle solving. The other 70% is some sort of cocktail of a story telling shooter. You play as James Lee Quatermain and you are the grandson of a famous explorer. You’ll spend your game time exploring Mayan ruins, Egyptian tombs, and Arctic deserts while collecting treasure to advance your character.
Right off the bat you are given the choice to separate the difficulty levels of puzzles and combat. So if you're the bloodthirsty type who doesn't want to waste time solving momentum slowing puzzles, you can do that. If you'd rather limit combat and go hard on puzzles, that is also an option. I find this feature endearing and feel as if it speaks to more types of players without pigeon holing them into one roll/game type.
Taking place in the year 1943, you'll have access to detailed period weaponry. Any pistol can be duel-wielded and you can always rely on your trusted combat knife. When grenades won't do you can always light up a TNT bundle and toss it at your foes. You'll run the gambit of being against art thieves, Russian soldiers, Nazi soldiers, and even armies of the undead.
When puzzles prove to be too difficult, you can rely on your grandfather's notebook since he's been to most these places before. Also with his compass, you'll always know where nearby treasures are hiding. When neither of those two adventuring tools don't do the trick you can always ask your companion. Your companion can't be killed and will aid you both in combat and out of combat.
So if you're huge in adventure genre and have wondered why there hasn't been an FPS yet, here is an option. Deadfall Adventures comes out the 27th of September for PC and Xbox 360. If you blow through the story mode there is a multiplayer where you can get your fill of deathmatch, team deathmatch, and capture the artifact (flag).