E3 2006 Hands On Preview
Last year’s NBA 2K6 was a solid basketball game
on the Xbox 360, although it didn’t really do much to make it that different
from the other current-generation incarnations. However, this year’s version,
NBA 2K7, is looking to finally give the series the much-needed umph into the
next-gen. The game will feature amazingly detailed photo-realistic graphics, and
a bevy of great new gameplay features. This time around, 2K Sports is making its
true appearance on the 360, and it’s bringing it’s A-game.
Everything in NBA 2K7 is a marked improvement
over 2K6. The right stick control, used for shooting and special defense moves
like cutting off a pass, has been improved and refined. The different NBA teams
and players will all have their own signature moves and unique traits to
realistically set them apart from everyone else, and the AI has been
significantly improved to take advantage of this.
Aside from the improvements made to the gameplay,
the graphics are fantastic. The player modes look and move extremely realistic,
and the animations are eerily accurate. The attention to detail on each court is
also extremely sharp, as actual mascots will be hopping around and interacting
with the crowds and the cheerleaders. Even though it’s only about half way done,
NBA 2K7 is still one amazing looking game.
NBA 2K7 is shaping up to be another solid
basketball game, although this time it seems ready to take the next-gen head on.