Tetris Ultimate gets release date for Xbox One and PS4
The last time I was excited for a Tetris game was around 2011, when Facebook added a competitive Tetris game called Tetris Battle. It...
Tetris Ultimate headed to 3DS next month
You've already heard about the 'epic' Tetris movie that's in production, right? Well, in case you were looking to get back into the world of...
Tetris Review
I'm going to sum up this review of Tetris for the PS3 succinctly: it's Tetris, it's in HD, and the Game Boy version has better tunes. If that's enoug
Interview with EA Mobile’s Project Manager on Tetris for the PS3
Ah Tetris. There is something undeniably safe and warm about the perennial puzzle title. It's been on pretty much every console in existence, and any