Atari’s been describing their own The Undergarden as a “palate cleanser”; to be played in between more traditional titles, and that doesn’t strike me as a very positive way to portray your own game. Even if you accept that unfortunate label, it's hard not to admit that there are other games that do it better.
The Undergarden, out now on PC, PSN and XBLA, can be described as equally both gorgeous and misleading. Its technicolor aesthetic and unsettlingly cute characters will evoke thoughts of Flower, Little Big Planet, and even visually opposite but equally arresting titles like Limbo and The Misadventures of P. B. Winterbottom. These comparisons are obvious, but inept, because The Undergarden is simply not on the same level as many of those games.
Read the rest of this review at our sister site, Kombo.