
Red Dead Redemption 2’s trophies leak; Features 70 story missions

As we count down the days to Red Dead Redemption 2 (16!), we're all actively drooling over any new information…

6 years ago

Monster Hunter: World day one update detailed; Trophies/Achievement revealed

The release date for Monster Hunter: World is fast approaching. The game is set to release with a day one…

7 years ago

Destiny 2 trophies/achievements surface online

Destiny 2 is one of the biggest games of 2017. It's going to capture the lives of many players and…

8 years ago

Xbox One achievements are getting “fundamental changes”

Xbox Achievements are a staple of Xbox LIVE. It shows some of the things you've had to endure to get…

8 years ago

The Warcraft movie brings transmog tie-in items for World of Warcraft

As expected the Warcraft film will bring tie-in items for World of Warcraft, both Alliance and Horde will be getting…

9 years ago

Rumor: Battlefield 1 Achievement list details campaign to have 6 missions

At the moment Battlefield 1 is leaking more than the Titanic, the leaked achievement list shows that there will only…

9 years ago

The Division trophies/achievements have been released, read all 51 here

Trophies/ Achievements have been a pretty prominent aspect of modern gaming. Not only does it reward you for playing the…

9 years ago

Xbox One’s Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Achievements offer 1250 gamerscore

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, the Xbox One remaster of the original Gears of War, has had its full list…

10 years ago

Achievements at the Xbox One’s launch sure are different than the Xbox 360’s launch

The launch of the Xbox 360 console was memorable. Not just because it marked the debut of a new console…

11 years ago

This is what unlocking an Achievement on Xbox One looks like

Unlocking Achievements. So satisfying. That sound. That animation. It's like, confirmation that you just did something awesome. Xbox One is…

11 years ago