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Tag: Battle Royale

PUBG devs vow to “Fix The Game” massively in a new...

Developer Bluehole has announced a major campaign by the studio to fix Playerunknown's Battlegrounds, PUBG. The new initiative, dubbed FIX PUBG, is aimed to...

343 Industries not interested in Battle Royale for Halo Infinite

343 Industries, the new developers of the Halo franchise have talked about their newly announced Halo Infinite in a live stream on Mixer. To...

Battle Royale FPS Fear the Wolves by Ex-S.T.A.L.K.E.R devs arrives on...

Developer Vostok Games today announced their Battle Royale game Fear the Wolves is going to launch this month on July 18th on Steam Early...

Battle Royale game Darwin Project goes Free-to-Play for Xbox One players

Today marks the day Xbox One users will have the chance to play Darwin Project for free on their consoles. The third-preson multiplayer battle...

Get Totally Accurate Battlegrounds for free on Steam, Offer only for...

Developer Landfall has, to the surprise of everyone, released a new game on Valve's popular digital distribution platform Steam. Totally Accurate Battlegrounds is not...

The Farm 51 reveals World War 3, Battle Royale and Modern...

Seasoned Polish video game developer The Farm 51, responsible most recently for the mystery-FPS Get Even, has revealed their new game World War 3....

Fortnite: Battle Royale Will Get 60 FPS Mode for PS4

Fortnite: Battle Royale is the free-to-play mode of Epic Game's Fortnite in which players participate in a PUBG-like battle arena. It's received a number of updates...

Fortnite: Battle Royale is disabling friendly fire in its new Map...

Fortnite has taken off as one of gaming's premier titles with the launch of its Battle Royale mode, and it is making one significant...

Fortnite Battle Royale talks Map Update in new video

Fortnite's Battle Royale mode, for all the controversy that initially surrounded it, has found a solid footing within the genre. For a game that...

PUBG Xbox One patch brings new Squad mode features; Addresses lag

PlayerUnkown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) released earlier this month on Xbox One through the Xbox Game Preview program. The game has seen success, as it's the...