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Tag: Captain America: Civil War

Someone remade the new Captain America: Civil War trailer in Fallout...

While it's still undoubtedly Fallout 4, YouTuber UpIsNotJump has recreated the most recent Captain America: Civil War trailer in the Wasteland. There's one thing that the...

Huge spoiler in the latest ‘Captain America: Civil War’ trailer may...

Eagle-Eyed fans were scanning every inch of the screen in the latest Captian America: Civil War trailer for any sort of teasers or spoilers...

INB4: Complaints about Spider-Man’s costume in Captain America: Civil War

By now, you’ve probably seen the new Captain America: Civil War trailer that dropped mere hours ago. If not, check it out above! The hype...

New Captain America: Civil War trailer debuts, shows off everyone’s favorite...

The long awaited Marvel movie, Captain America: Civil War has just dropped a brand new trailer before its 2-month debut. I could do this all...

Ant-Man’s Civil War suit is bigger and badder than ever!

Toy manufacturer, Tamashii Nations, has just inveiled the first full image of Ant-Man for their line of Captain America: Civil War figures, set for...

Has Hulk just been confirmed for Captain America: Civil War?

UPDATE: Anthony Mackie has gon back on his statement during an interview on Seth Meyer's The Tonight Show (via GamesRadar), saying  he was just trying to give...

Captain American and Iron Man are ‘complicated’ on Facebook

If you've seen the trailers for Captain America: Civil War, you'll know the relationship between Captain America and Iron Man is a bit rocky...

Captain America: Civil War’s Super Bowl spot wants you to choose...

Well, at least Carolina Panther fans have something good to take out of the Super Bowl. No, it's not the promise of an upcoming...

What is Spider-Man’s role in Captain America: Civil War?

With Captain America: Civil War only three months away, hype for the launch of MCU’s Phase III is in full swing. One question, however,...

New Captain America: Civil War promo art shows team ‘Cap’ vs...

Team Captain America Team Iron Man If your not into football and really don’t care about the upcoming Super Bowl, it might not hurt to stick...