Counter Strike

Left 4 Dead devs working on a “Globally Known AAA Competitive FPS”

The developers of Left 4 Dead and Evolve are working on an AAA competitive First-person shooter, according to job listings…

7 years ago

Chinese government passes law forcing loot box games to disclose probabilities

The Chinese government is sick and tired of video game loot boxes, so they’re forcing developers to disclose the odds…

8 years ago

Counter Strike gambling on the decline as Valve takes action

The Counter-Strike community has been under heavy fire after many stories of YouTubers promoting illegal gambling, not disclosing sponsorships to…

9 years ago

This is what it sounds like when Counter Strike players come together and sing an 80s song

Counter Strike has been in the news quite a bit recently and it hasn't been for very good reasons. Valve…

9 years ago

Valve won’t let customers gift Counter strike: Global Offensive during the Steam Summer Sale

The Steam Summer Sale has begun and a whole lot of games are being discounted, but Valve has decided to…

9 years ago

Valve is being sued for running a “illegal online gambling market” with Counter Strike: Global Offensive

A lawsuit has been filed against Valve for allowing a "illegal online gambling market" to grow and flourish within the massively…

9 years ago

Halo’s ‘Blood Gulch’ map was recreated in Counter-Strike and it’s perfect

In 2001 the first-person shooter gaming world was met with the birth of the Halo series. The game did quite…

9 years ago

Steam done goofed and made a Counter-Strike gun worth $3.5 Million

In one swift move, one giant error, a Counter-Strike gun ended up costing $3,549,383.07 instead of around $35.00. This wasn't…

10 years ago

Grab every Valve game for $19.50

Everyone once in a while you see a bundle of games that you can't pass up, this might be one…

10 years ago

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive console review

Counter Strike has a massive following. It’s been a huge hit in the PC community for 12 years and finally…

13 years ago