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Tag: Destiny 2

Destiny 2 (and Destiny 1): Xur, Agent of the Nine, location...

It's Friday, and that means that Xur is back in Destiny with all of his goodies. This week, Hunters will probably be disappointed, but...

Destiny 2 Update 1.0.7 Patch Details; Double XP Weekend This Weekend

This weekend, Guardians can expect to bring in extra XP, but only if they are with a clan member in your fireteam. What Bungie...

Destiny 2: Check out the opening cinematic for the ‘Curse of...

Bungie reveals the opening cinematic for the upcoming 'Destiny 2' expansion, 'Curse of Osiris'. We're only a few weeks away from the release of the...

Destiny 2 Weekly Reset 11/14: Nightfall, Challenges, Flashpoint, Faction Rally, and...

The Weekly Reset has arrived in Destiny 2, bringing us a Faction Rally winner, a new Nightfall and much, much more! There's plenty of...

Destiny 2 (and Destiny 1): Xur, Agent of the Nine, location...

It's Friday and that doesn't simply mean that we are on the eve of the weekend. It also means that Xur is back to...

Destiny 2 to see Xbox One X, PS4 Pro enhancement update

The Xbox One X released earlier this week and has been seeing a positive adoption rate from consumers so far. Prior to the Xbox One...

Destiny 2 glitch gives you endless faction tokens

This week's Weekly Reset for Destiny 2 brought a couple new challenges, but it also brought back the Faction Rally. This time, there's a...

Destiny 2 Weekly Reset 11/7: Nightfall, Challenges, Flashpoint, Faction Rally, and...

The Weekly Reset has kicked in for Destiny 2 and it brought a bunch of new objectives for Guardians to tackle before the next...

Destiny 2: Trials of the Nine now available on Xbox One,...

Destiny 2 players on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and for the first time ever, PC, can officially get a taste of the limited-time Crucible...

Latest Destiny 2 patch tweaks Crucible, Faction Rally Tokens and more;...

Destiny 2 players on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC should be aware that a patch has been released that brings alterations to a...