Tag: Destiny 2
Destiny 2: Watch Bungie’s reaction to the world first Leviathan raid...
The Leviathan raid released in Destiny 2 yesterday and streamers immediately grabbed their clan mates to take on the raid and showcase their trials and...
Man attempts to beat Destiny 2 using Bananas as a controller
An Imgur user named "ATwerkingYoshi" attempted something so bananas, it's literally bananas. ATwerkingYoshi (as he's known "at night" and Louis, "during the day") decided as he...
Grab Destiny 2 and a White Wireless Xbox One controller for...
If you want to buy Destiny 2 for the Xbox One, you might want to check out this deal! A white Wireless Xbox One...
Destiny 2: PSN, CABBAGE, NIGHTINGALE, and ce-34878-0 errors
Nessus: If players proceed to fall off of a cliff on Nessus in the Sunken Caverns area, their Ghost may be placed in...
Destiny 2 Has a Hidden Quick Map Feature
If you've been playing Destiny 2 and have been forced beyond your will to have to wait for one to two full seconds to...
Destiny 2 Guide: How to Activate Heroic Public Events
With Destiny 2 having released it's time to discover what the world has in store for you without having to think too hard. That's...
5 Improvements Destiny 2 makes over the original
The story is legitimately great
This for me was the deal breaker in Destiny. I understood that the main aspect of the game was the...
Destiny 2 Guide: How to get Rat King’s Crew Exotic Guide
With Destiny 2 having released it's time to discover what the world has in store for you without having to think too hard. That's...
Reddit User Cosplays his Amazon Dot into Destiny 2 Ghost
I've never wanted a 3D printer as bad as I do right now. Aside from making cool props, you can also do imaginative things...
Here are Destiny 2’s 13 achievements
With Destiny 2 making its release tonight (though some servers have already begun going live for those with physical copies) it's probably time to...