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Tag: Destiny

Iron Banner is returning to Destiny later today

After many if's, maybe's, and but's the Iron Banner event is returning to Destiny: The Taken King after its scheduled downtime later today. Bungie wasn't...

Destiny to abandon Xbox 360, PS3 users by August

Winter is coming for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 Destiny players. Much like the way Rockstar abandoned Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 GTA Online...

Destiny: Xur, Agent of the Nine, Tower location and Exotic gear...

It's Friday, that means that Xur is back in Destiny and he has brought some goodies with him. Luckily, no matter how currency is...

Destiny: Trials of Osiris might return tomorrow; Iron Banner may return...

Bungie made it clear that the cancelled the Iron Banner event would not be making a return this week, but it appears as though it will...

Here’s why Bungie nerfed Hunters in Destiny

Earlier this month, Bungie released an update that brought some balance to the class system in Destiny. At the time, Bungie offered a simple overview...

Destiny’s Iron Banner will not return this week

Bungie officially cancelled the Iron Banner event in Destiny earlier this week, following an issue that prevented players from joining the event. The issue...

Bungie cancels Iron Banner event in Destiny once again

Bungie has decided to cancel the planned Iron Banner event in Destiny once again. Of course, this is not the first time they have...

Destiny: Xur, Agent of the Nine, Tower location and Exotic gear...

If you're disappointed at the lack of Destiny news at E3 this week, don't be. Xur, Agent of the Nine has brought some more...

Destiny: Xur, Agent of the Nine, Tower location and Exotic gear...

This week has been full of Destiny Expansion news. Rise of Iron will be hitting us on September 20th, 2016, but until then, we...

There’s a reason why Destiny: Rise of Iron won’t come to...

Yesterday Bungie announced and revealed the latest expansion for Destiny, Rise of Iron, won't be coming to PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360. However, Activision...