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Tag: DLC

New Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 DLC Overview

New Spec Ops missions and another cool multiplayer map? We're down.

Capcom responds to Street Fighter x Tekken On Disc DLC Controversy

Capcom, you got some 'splainin to do!

A changing landscape: Major downloadable games

Downloadable games have become quite prominent, and major publishers are starting to turn out more digital content

Street Figher x Tekken “Vita Exclusive” characters are on-disc DLC for...

Capcom's throwing some more on disc DLC our way.

Dead Island NewEgg PC sale for $9.99

NewEgg proves to have an EVEN cheaper sale for Dead Island, they are practically giving it away

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Demo | Video Walkthrough

Square-Enix's wildly anticipated RPG is just a week away. Check out this video guide to the game's new features

Dead Island 58% off today only on Amazon

Going to paradise has never been cheaper with Amazon’s Dead Island sale

Dead Island “Ryder White” DLC announced

Ryder White becomes playable Feb 1st for Dead Island