E3 2015

Hyrule Warriors Legends includes all previously released DLC

Hyrule Warriors Legends is the upcoming 3DS port of Hyrule Warriors, which originally debuted on the Wii U. Nintendo announced…

10 years ago

The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes brings cooperative multiplayer to 3DS

Nintendo has announced The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes, a new cooperative multiplayer adventure game coming to the Nintendo 3DS…

10 years ago

Nintendo reveals Star Fox Zero for Wii U

Nintendo started off their E3 Nintendo Direct with a bang, officially revealing Star Fox Zero for Wii U, a game…

10 years ago

The theme of E3 2015 seems to be wish fulfillment

Year after year, the one thing I look forward to more than roaming the crowded halls of E3, are the…

10 years ago

Media Player now available to download on PS4 with DLNA support

During Sony's E3 press conference pre-show last night, Sony announced that Media Player for the PlayStation 4 was available for…

10 years ago

Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls heading to PS4

As many had expected, Sony is bringing remastered versions of Quantic Dream's games -- Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls…

10 years ago

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 beta begins this August on PS4

The Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 beta, which is available for anyone who pre-orders the game, will begin this…

10 years ago

Watch Batman: Arkham Knight’s opening gameplay moments

During Sony's E3 2015 press conference, Rocksteady showed off the opening cinematic for Batman: Arkham Knight. Interestingly, the video opens…

10 years ago

Firewatch announced for PS4

Firewatch will be making its way over to the PS4, Sony announced tonight during its E3 press conference. For those…

10 years ago

Hitman announced with exclusive PS4 content

The next installment in the Hitman franchise, simply titled Hitman, has been announced by Sony at their E3 press conference. Developed by…

10 years ago