Tag: EA
Battlefield 5 misses its goal as EA discloses sales figures
Electronic Arts announced some juicy details about the financial success of their newest online shooter Battlefield 5 during a conference call with investors. Despite...
Respawn officially confirms Titanfall battle royale game, Apex Legends
Fortnite is dominating the battle royale scene, PUBG is still holding its own but has definitely fallen off, and Call of Duty's Blackout mode...
You can try out the Open Demo for Anthem right now...
After customers who pre-ordered EA's much-hyped online shooting experience Anthem had an early go at the game in a VIP Demo, everyone regardless whether...
EA cancels yet another Star Wars game; Shifting focus on next-gen...
EA has had a pretty rough time figuring out how to effectively make use of the Star Wars video game license. They started out...
Lightning Strikes Battlefield 5 in Chapter 2 Free Content Update
Electronic Arts has shared some juicy new details about their flagship multiplayer shooter Battlefield 5. To kick of the start of the new Chapter...
EA shares Anthem Official System Requirements for PC
Electronic Arts' massively hyped up GaaS game Anthem is very nearing its launch date. On February 22, PC, PS4 and Xbox One users will...
Rumor: EA’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Episode IX, and more...
Since Disney bought the rights to Star Wars back in 2013, they've made lots of moves to bring the iconic franchise to every possible...
Ex-Westwood developers are working on Command & Conquer Remasters
Electronic Arts has announced remasters for the classic real-time strategy franchise Command & Conquer. On a post on Reddit, EA Producer Jim Vessella detailed...
Watch the Launch maps of Battlefield 5 in new Trailer
Dice and EA have released a brand-new, action-packed trailer showcasing all multiplayer maps for Battlefield 5, available at launch. The trailer is finally looking...
Battlefield 5 only sells Cosmetics with Real Money
Electronic Arts has released a detailed news post today, where they explain the progression system and currencies of their upcoming first-person shooter Battlefield 5....