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Battlefield 5 gets War Stories Single Player Trailer

Dice has released a brand-new story trailer for the upcoming Battlefield 5. It's a great teaser for the War Stories-style of telling multiple stories...

EA teases Remasters of Command & Conquer for 25th Anniversary

Electronic Arts may be working on remasters for the classic Command & Conquer strategy games which started way back in the mid-90s. A game...

Preview: Battlefield V would benefit more from a 2019 release date

DICE is one of the most renowned developers in the industry thanks to their incredible tech which gives us cutting edge visuals, audio, and...

EA delays Battlefield 5 to November

Dice has announced that Battlefield 5 is getting a new release date. In a news post on their website, General Manager of Dice, developer...

Madden 19 tournament interrupted by fatal mass shooting

4 out of 11 people have been shot and killed today at a tournament in Jacksonville, Florida for EA's popular football game, Madden 19....

Review: Madden 19 stumbles in some places but does enough right

DISCLAIMER: A review copy was provided by the publisher. Platform: Xbox One (reviewed), PS4, and PC Developer: EA Tiburon Publisher: EA Sports MSRP: $59.99 It's football season, folks and with that...

Battlefield V gets September beta dates for pre-orders

Battlefield V is one of many highly anticipated games coming out in October alongside Call of Duty, Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassin's Creed, and...

EA’s Origin Access Premier is live now! Monthly & Yearly Prices...

Electronic Art's souped-up game subscription service Origin Access Premier is available as of now. The premium tier subscription offers even the newest full-price games...

E3 2018: EA announces Sea of Solitude for early 2019, Teaser...

During Electronic Arts' E3 event dubbed EA Play, juggernaut publisher announced a new original IP, Sea of Solitude. Made by Berlin-based German developer studio...

E3 2018: Anthem gets extensive new details and trailer; Coming February...

Bioware has moved beyond Mass Effect and Dragon Age to focus on a new RPG known as Anthem. Anthem will be an online shooter...