Grand Theft Auto 5

Rockstar Games is fine with GTA 5 mods in Single Player

The most recent update to Grand Theft Auto 5 disabled mods throughout the entire game. It had been regarded as…

10 years ago

They said you could be anything, so be a whale in GTA 5

Grand Theft Auto 5 has gone home, and by that I mean it's on the PC where modders have begun…

10 years ago

How to get the best graphics in GTA 5 on your PC

So, you bought Grand Theft Auto 5 for your PC and you want to ensure you're viewing the best graphics…

10 years ago

Sony discounts Grand Theft Auto games on PS3

Someone out there is looking out for PlayStation 3 owners that love the Grand Theft Auto series. The PlayStation Store…

10 years ago

BBC’s Grand Theft Auto biopic finds its Jack Thompson

Bill Paxton, who we just argued about classifying as a "legendary" actor, is reportedly on board to play former attorney Jack…

10 years ago

All cheats and codes for GTA 5 on PC

Like the console versions before it, Grand Theft Auto 5 on PC has a number of cheat codes that spice…

10 years ago

GTA 5’s PC launch hits snag with Windows user accounts

Grand Theft Auto 5 made its highly anticipated debut tonight on PC, and as is the case with most major…

10 years ago

Rockstar Editor is GTA 5’s amazing new feature, only available on PC

Ever want to create and direct your own movie? Well, with Grand Theft Auto 5's new PC-exclusive feature, Rockstar Editor,…

10 years ago

GTA 5: Rockstar shows off GTA Online Heists, captured entirely on PC

Following yesterday's spectacular 60 frames per second Grand Theft Auto 5 PC trailer, Rockstar has released a new TV spot…

10 years ago

GTA 5 update 1.10 released, fixes graphical issues on Xbox One and PS4

Rockstar Games rolled out a new update for Grand Theft Auto 5 today that addresses a number of miscellaneous issues,…

10 years ago