Harrison Ford

Rumor: Han Solo Star Wars spin-off to show how Lando Calrissian lost the Millennium Falcon to Han

It's been made clear that young Han Solo will not be making an appearance in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,…

8 years ago

Harrison Ford to get $2 million after breaking his leg filming Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

Back in 2014, when Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens was in production Harrison Ford broke his leg. Now,…

8 years ago

Suicide Squad’s Joker, Jared Leto, joins Blade Runner 2 cast

In early 2015, we heard that Harrison Ford would be returning to the Blade Runner universe and reprising his role…

9 years ago

Megan Fox wants to be the next Indiana Jones

The actress famous for her roles in the Transformers movies and the TMNT films would apparently like to portray the…

9 years ago

Indiana Jones 5 starring Harrison Ford to release in Summer 2019

Indiana Jones is heading back into theaters for the fifth installment in the series and yes, Harrison Ford will be…

9 years ago

Blade Runner sequel officially gets a release date

Warner Bros.'s sequel to the 1982 film by Ridley Scott, Blade Runner, has officially been dated for release. We can…

9 years ago

Here’s how much Harrison Ford made from Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Don't know if you know this, but Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a pretty big deal. Just released this week,…

9 years ago

Ryan Gosling confirmed to star alongside Harrison Ford in Blade Runner 2

Back in 1982 Ridley Scott gave Blade Runner to the world, starring Harrison Ford. In the recent months we have…

9 years ago

Harrison Ford would ‘love’ to do another Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones -- do you bring back Harrison Ford or do you reboot the franchise, recasting the iconic character with…

9 years ago

Harrison Ford has some advice for the young Han Solo

Earlier this year, Disney and Lucasfilm confirmed one of the Star Wars Anthology spin-off films will focus on a "young"…

9 years ago