Tag: Hidetaka Miyazaki
‘Dark Souls is over’ says series director Miyazaki; New game in...
"Dark Souls is over" says the genius behind the series Hidetaka Miyazaki. Dark Souls 3 is the last one planned, after that it is...
Dark Souls 3 director Hidetaka Miyazaki’s next game won’t be dark...
Director Hidetaka Miyazaki has ridden the runaway success of the Dark Souls IP to the top of From Software’s corporate ladder. In a decade,...
Miyazaki assures quality with Bloodborne DLC and Dark Souls 3
It's no secret that game director Hidetaka Miyazaki worked on Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 at the same time. In June Miyazaki confirmed that...
Everything still wants to kill you in Dark Souls 3
After Dark Souls 3 was officially revealed at E3 2015 a couple things were made clear, first and foremost Hidetaka Miyazaki was returning to...
Dark Souls 3 is not being developed by the Bloodborne team
Game director Hidetaka Miyazaki revealed that his role as director for the PlayStation 4 exclusive Bloodborne overlapped by about a year with the development...