
Jonathan Blow’s “The Witness” is now on iPhone and iPads

Jonathan Blow's beautiful puzzle game "The Witness" is available now on iOS and it's a universal app, meaning if you…

7 years ago

2016 iPad Game of the Year, Severed, comes to Nintendo Switch eShop

Since Nintendo introduced the Switch back in March, they've been consistently adding new and exciting titles to their eShop on…

8 years ago

Hearthstone Knights of the Frozen Throne Expansion coming next week

Blizzard's cash cow that is Hearthstone is preparing to drop its next expansion upon worthy competitors next Thursday, August 10.…

8 years ago

[Watch] Disgruntled Apple customer smashes iPhone 7s, Macbooks, and iPads in fit of anger

Have you ever been so angry at a store that you took the heaviest thing you own and broke everything…

8 years ago

Rome: Total War is coming to iPad this Fall with new features

The daily commute for gamers may get a little bit less boring with the classic Rome: Total War coming to…

9 years ago

iOS 9 released, here’s what’s new

Apple has officially released iOS 9 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, but it looks like things aren't going as…

9 years ago

Apple announces iPad Pro

In what Apple is calling the "biggest news in iPad since the iPad," the company unveiled today the iPad Pro.…

10 years ago

Dungeon of the Endless arriving on iPad later this Summer

Award-winning indie developer Amplitude Studios has just announced that their dungeon defense game, Dungeon of the Endless, will be making its…

10 years ago

Papers, Please hit the iPad today

The critically acclaimed independent video game, Papers, Please, developed by Lucas Pope officially hit the iPad today, but every launch…

10 years ago

The Longest Journey reimagined on iOS devices

About 14 years ago we saw the release of The Longest Journey for PC's. It's release was met with critical…

10 years ago