Marvel Studios

Marvel’s Ant-Man and The Wasp Set To Be A Romantic Comedy

It's pretty well accepted that Marvel has a huge stranglehold on the Superhero movie market. Arguably ever since Captain America: The…

7 years ago

The Gambit Movie is Getting A New Working Title; Is Still in Production

The infamous Channing Tatum Gambit movie is slowly becoming the Duke Nukem Forever of the movie world. It's been stuck in development…

7 years ago

Review: ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ is entertaining and funny, without losing focus or sacrificing its own personality

SPOILERS AHEAD! The story stays pretty focused and doesn’t beat you over the head with typical set-up and references. ‘Ragnarok’…

7 years ago

7 Things You Might Have Missed in ‘Thor: Ragnarok’

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ has finally released in theaters and audiences are raving about the last installment to the trilogy. Fans have…

7 years ago

[Watch] Marvel has released the first official ‘Black Panther’ trailer and poster

Black Panther releases February 16, 2018! Marvel has released the latest official trailer and poster for the upcoming superhero epic,…

7 years ago

Rocket Racoon’s “Horrible” Origin Story in the MCU Will be Revealed Soon

Guardians of the Galaxy 1 & 2  were box office hits. The second movie particularly made fans feel like they knew the…

8 years ago

Check out 8 new character posters for ‘Thor: Ragnarok’

Cate Blanchett as Hela Anthony Hopkins as Odin Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Hulk Tom Hiddleston as…

8 years ago

First Look at Wasp’s Costume In Ant-Man 2

2015's Ant-Man was a welcome surprise to many. Most average movie-goers didn't know much about Ant-Man, and considering his comic book-ey powers,…

8 years ago

SDCC 2017: Mark Ruffalo explains how Hulk has changed since ‘Age of Ultron’

Mark Ruffalo details some of the major changes Hulk has gone through since his last appearance in 'Avenger: Age of…

8 years ago

SDCC 2017: Laurence Fishburne and Michelle Pfeiffer join the cast of ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’

Laurence Fishburne and Michelle Pfeiffer have joined the cast of the upcoming 'Ant-Man and the Wasp'. The Marvel Studios panel…

8 years ago