Tag: Mass Effect
Sign up for the Mass Effect: Andromeda multiplayer beta now
Just because N7 day is over it does not mean the end of Mass Effect: Andromeda news, Bioware is letting eager fans sign up...
Here’s everything you need to know about Mass Effect: Andromeda including...
Mass Effect: Andromeda was announced a REALLY long time ago and since the reveal, we've gotten little to no actual details on the game....
[Watch] Mass Effect: Andromeda’s ‘Orientation Briefing’ let’s us in on a...
EA has released a new trailer for the much-anticipated Mass Effect: Andromeda. This time, we're treated to more information on the backstory of the title. We...
Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3 go backward compatible for Xbox...
While we patiently await the new trailer for Mass Effect: Andromeda, Xbox and BioWare have dropped a bomb on Mass Effect lovers - the...
N7 Day brings epic new trailer for Mass Effect: Andromeda
It's officially N7-Day and BioWare has finally given us a look at what they've been teasing for so long. This is BioWare's official announcement...
BioWare is looking for new recruits for Mass Effect: Andromeda
After BioWare gave us a look at Mass Effect: Andromeda during the PlayStation Meeting back in September, they teased that N7-Day would be bringing us a new trailer...
FemRyder and BroRyder are brother and sister in Mass Effect: Andromeda
After giving us our first look at gameplay for Mass Effect: Andromeda (scaled to 4K) during last night's PlayStation Meeting, the BioWare devs sat...
BioWare confirms new Mass Effect: Andromeda trailer to release on N7-Day
Earlier today, BioWare gave us a look at 4K gameplay for Mass Effect: Andromeda. It was our very first look at the gameplay, as...
BioWare might be revealing something at PlayStation Meeting; New game or...
BioWare developers have been making plenty of teases ahead of today's PlayStation Meeting, but none of them are saying what we can expect. One...
EA knows they could make money on a Mass Effect remaster,...
Earlier this month, during Gamescom, EA teased the possibility of remastering the Mass Effect series. EA's executive VP Patrick Soderlund said that they were "actively...