Guided by Crom: Ep. 0 – Patches and Preparations
As I gear up to head back into Age of Conan and investigate the new expansion, Rise of the Godslayer, I am welcomed by a surprising addition via patc
A Slippery Slope: The Supreme Court Agrees to See Game Case
In 2005, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California signed into law a bill that would make selling an M-rated video game to a minor illegal and sub
Gone but not forgotten: Looking Back on the Studio Closures of...
It wasn’t that long ago that the video game industry was considered recession-proof. Game sales were on the rise year after year, so many thought t
Fallen Earth: Welcome to the Apocalyse preview
There are times when a title comes along and takes a player by surprise, providing a rich and entertaining experience with a robust world and plenty
Atari Announces Current Player Rewards and Referral Programs for Star Trek...
Atari and acclaimed developer Cryptic Studios, are pleased to announce a range of new reward programs for Star Trek Online, the massively multiplayer
There is a lot of promise in the upcoming list of...
So little known, so much promised and even more hoped for – that perhaps sums up the thoughts surrounding the next generation of MMOs, and certainl
All Points Bulletin (APB) features deep customization
By Eric Duncan for GameZone.comRealtime Worlds’ APB has been a thing of interest for gamers for some time now. The concept of an MMO essentially ba
Is Excessive Realism Killing Gameplay?
I am currently annoyed with a big trend in gaming at the moment - the gradual death of fun in videogames due to improved realism. Before the flamers
Darkfall Online preview – – Preview
When first launching Darkfall Online, there is that sense of hope, combined with excitement that the game might offer something new and trepidation t
Grand Fantasia preview – – Preview
Oh no! … Not the dreaded Jelly Rabbits!! …They are big, and pink, and round, and … and very Pokemon-ish. *the forest echoes with the sound of t