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Fatshark announces VR mode for Warhammer: Endtimes – Vermintide

The tides of VR are rising, and the platform's technology is getting better with each passing day. The next big game to announce a...

Sign up for the Mass Effect: Andromeda multiplayer beta now

Just because N7 day is over it does not mean the end of Mass Effect: Andromeda news, Bioware is letting eager fans sign up...

Get Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon for free on PC today

Ubisoft's 30th birthday party is still going strong and starting today Ubisoft is giving away Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon for free to PC gamers...

Munch is looking to take a bite out of VR and...

Remember the good old Feeding Frenzy games? The genre is sort of back and lets players Munch on and on on smaller creatures with...

Blizzcon 2016: Sombra officially revealed for Overwatch, gets awesome cinematic trailer

The first day of Blizzcon 2016 has arrived and we already got good news. Sombra is official, most people already knew it, but Blizzard...

Hands-On Impression: Tekken 7 is a promising sequel

From the get-go, it's clear that Tekken 7 seems to have taken a note or two from the Street Fighter 5 launch. From the...

Review: Reus does what science should not, it lets you play...

Platforms: Xbox One (reviewed), PS4 Previously Released: PC Developer: Abbey Games Price: $24.99 Introduction Reus, the dutch word for “giant”, is a fitting name for the “god-game” or “god-simulator”...

[Watch] The Battlefield 1 launch trailer shows that war never changes

Launch days, launch days never change. With the launch of Battlefield 1 today it means yet another launch trailer, and this one is really...

Review: Event [0] reaches for the stars

Introduction Event is one of those so-called “walking simulators”, it’s an experience where players do a lot of walking while solving some puzzles. I...

Grab Beyond Good & Evil for free this month, starting today

What is better than a free game? A really great free game! And that is what Ubisoft is giving away for free as a...