Pokemon Sun

Fans can now pre-load Pokemon Sun and Moon from the 3DS eShop

Pokemon Sun and Moon are the only major games coming to Nintendo platforms this holiday season, and Nintendo hasn't stopped…

8 years ago

Hands-on: Pokémon Sun and Moon evolves the series further

One Christmas morning, I opened a present to find that behind the wrapper was a copy of Pokémon Gold; a…

8 years ago

Datamine of Sun and Moon demo reveals entire Pokédex

Turns out a Dugtrio with luscious locks is not the only surprise to arise from the Pokémon Sun and Moon…

8 years ago

Pokémon Alolan forms are getting even weirder

An elongated Exeggcutor. A trippy Muk. A mustachioed Rattata. The Alolan forms of classic Pokémon are nothing if not imaginitive. Depending…

8 years ago

New Pokemon Sun and Moon trailer

A new day, a new bit of Pokemon Sun and Moon info! This time we have a new trailer straight…

8 years ago

[UPDATE] Nintendo is giving away 4 legendary Pokemon this month

This month, Nintendo will be giving away four legendary Pokemon prior to the release of Pokemon: Sun and Moon. The…

8 years ago

Pokemon Sun and Moon: Rockruff evolutions and Ultra Beasts revealed

CoroCoro has just revealed the evolutions for Rockruff and the first images of the rumored Ultra Beasts. Serebii has shown…

8 years ago

Pokémon backstories are actually horrifying

After being initially leaked in magazine scans, a video went up showing off the new sandcastle Pokémon in action: Sandygast…

9 years ago

Gamescom 2016: Meet the new Fire/Dragon Pokémon for Sun and Moon

The two latest releases for Pokémon have a lot to show at this year's Gamescom, one of them being new…

9 years ago

Pokemon Sun and Moon: Team Skull and new Pokemon detailed in new trailer

Pokémon Adapted to the Alola Region Some Pokémon have adapted to the distinctive microclimates of the Alola region and have…

9 years ago