
Confrontation preview

We spend a few hours with the upcoming RTS from developer Cyanide

13 years ago

Sleeping Dogs preview

True Crime: Hong Kong returns to life, and it leaves us wondering why Activision canned it to begin with.

13 years ago

Quantum Conundrum Hands-On

The latest game from the mind of Kim Swift looks to be a fun inter-dimensional romp

13 years ago

Kalypso’s screenshot blowout: Legends of Pegasus

A teaser and screenshots to whet your appetite for Kalypso's upcoming 4X game

13 years ago

GDC: Lollipop Chainsaw Hands-On

We take Suda 51’s latest for a test drive.

13 years ago

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Preview

The Autobots and Decepticons are set for a return this fall…and they’re bringing the big boys with ‘em.

13 years ago

Prototype 2 Hands-On (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3)

There’s a new hero – but still plenty of madness – in Activision’s upcoming sequel.

13 years ago

Darksiders II Gameplay Impressions

THQ and Vigil Studios show plenty of Death in the upcoming sequel.

13 years ago

Kinect Star Wars Impressions

Care to go a few laps in a pod racer? In 3D? Without whiny Anakin?

13 years ago