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Tag: Resident Evil

E3 2016: Sony press conference round-up

Sony had a massive E3 last year. Like beyond massive, probably one of the biggest shows in all of E3 history. It was a...

Capcom PlayStation sale brings discounts to plenty of PS4, PS3 and...

If you have been fiending for some Resident Evil games and other Capcom classics, you're in luck! The PlayStation Store is hosting a Capcom...

Resident Evil 5 to release on Xbox One, PS4 next month

Capcom has been hard at work making their classic Resident Evil games available on current systems. So far, they have remastered versions of 0,1,4, and 6,...

Rumor: Resident Evil 7 to bring series back to its ‘horror...

A week after Capcom revealed that they had big plans for the Resident Evil franchise, we have caught wind of our first rumor on...

Big plans for the future of the Resident Evil franchise emerge

  In the past year, Capcom has graced their fans with an abundant amount of news regarding the Resident Evil franchise including the announcement of...

Umbrella Corps gets delayed a month, new information on player customization...

In the most recent Capcom blog post, fans of the new spin-off Resident Evil game, Umbrella Corps, will be sad to hear that the...

Go Viral with Umbrella Corp’s Resident Evil themed ‘T-Virus’ Cologne

Humankind has been spraying their bodies with various scents for centuries and in the most recent years, we have been able to purchase perfume...

Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6, announced for Xbox One, PS4

Capcom has not been secretive when it comes to their intentions of creating more Resident Evil remakes, especially after the initial Resident Evil HD remake...

Resident Evil-themed shooter Umbrella Corps gets May release for PS4, PC

Capcom's "fast-paced" online competitive third-person shooter Umbrella Corps has received a May 2016 release window. It will be released digitally for PS4 and PC. Announced...

Resident Evil Zero HD Review

The Verdict Resident Evil Zero HD is Resident Evil Zero in a prettier dress. I hope that’s what you wanted to hear going into this...