Deep Silver has published the launch trailer for Shenmue III. The iconic action-adventure series that started way back on the…
2018 was a pretty solid year for games with Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War, Spider-Man, Assassin's Creed Odyssey,…
With the upcoming release of Shenmue III, Sega has finally announced a Shenmue HD collection which will give players the…
Long bouts of silence and some awkward facial animations have defined Shenmue 3 more than the actual hype surrounding the…
In episode 42 of the Frak Podcast, Mike and Jsun do a quick recap of some of the news from…
For years, fans have been waiting for a new entry in the cult classic Japanese series, Shenmue. Many never expected…
Last week, we learned that Shenmue 3 was not going to appear at E3. To couple this announcement, we now know…
It feels like it's been an eternity since we've seen or heard anything substantial regarding Shenmue 3. At E3 2015,…
Sega of Europe has recently registered domains for Shenmue. We already knew Shenmue 3 was in development and looking good, but now…
SEGA gave fans of the iconic Shenmue series hope for a remaster of the two old games. Sega is apparently…