Sword Art Online: Lost Song

Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization to be released in America in 2016

Bandai's been killing it with all these confirmations of American releases of other Japanese franchises, such as God Eater (which…

9 years ago

Sword Art Online: Lost Song Review

The Verdict Looking back at Hollow Fragment, and then playing Lost Song is somewhat jarring. While the gameplay elements of…

9 years ago

Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization coming to PS4 and Vita in 2016

While we here in America will get to finally enjoy Sword Art Online: Lost Song this November, Japan will be…

9 years ago

New Sword Art Online: Lost Song trailer highlights multiplayer features

As someone who enjoys the Sword Art Online anime, I'm really glad that Bandai took the plunge and decided to…

9 years ago

Sword Art Online RE: Hollow Fragment available today on PS4

Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment was an interestingly deep game on the PS Vita. It not only included the entirety…

9 years ago

Sword Art Online: Lost Song coming to the US this Fall

Sword Art Online is easily one of the more popular Anime franchises currently out, and has so far finished its…

10 years ago

Sword Art Online: Lost Song and God Eater 2: Rage Burst trade clothing

If you’re going to make anime-esque games, why not invite the characters to a grand clothing exchange? While that may…

10 years ago

Game ad features Sword Art Online: Lost Song debut characters

Sure this game ad isn’t all that long, but it still features the three new characters in Sword Art Online:…

10 years ago