Xbox 720

Xbox 720 developers summit allegedly taking place in London

Crytek developer claims to be at secret Xbox 720 conference

13 years ago

Xbox 720 console code-named ‘Durango’

Next Xbox console named after a Mexico state?

13 years ago

Microsoft job ad hints at increased 3D support for Xbox 720?

Microsoft looking for someone passionate about '3D imaging technologies'

13 years ago

Xbox 720 should not prevent used games from playing, argues dev

Saber Interactive CEO suggests a new price model for video games

13 years ago

Xbox 720 rumored to have ‘iPad-style’ tablet controller

Microsoft 'experimenting' with a tablet-like controller similar to the iPad

13 years ago

Xbox 720 has to be ‘huge and new’, not just 2 or 3 times better

Epic Games founder says the next Xbox has to make a "dramatic leap in quality"

13 years ago

Xbox 720 could be tablet-based, says Gamespot

Strong signs hint at a new tablet component for the next-gen Xbox.

13 years ago

Patent suggests Xbox 720 could include a DVR

Xbox DVR patent gets approved December 27

13 years ago

What I Want Microsoft to Do with the Xbox 720

What should the successor to the Xbox 360 bring to its target audience?

13 years ago

What We Think the Xbox 720 should be…

Features the Xbox 720 should launch with.

13 years ago